BC Flag

British Columbia Workplace Kit Regulations

Low Hazard Classification Work Site Schedule*


Number of Workers at
Work Site per Shift*

Supplies, Equipment and FacilityFirst Aid Certificate required for AttendantTransportation RequiredOther First Aid Requirements
1  transportation at employer's expense** 
2-10Basic Kit 

transportation at employer's expense**

11-50Level 1 KitLevel 1 - OFA 1transportation at employer's expense** 
51-100Level 2 Kit
Dressing Station
Level 2 - OFA 2 (36 hrs.)

transportation at employer's expense**

Consider upgrade of Certificate, transportation and equipment if ambulance service access restricted
101+Level 2 Kit
First Aid Room
Level 2 - OFA 2 (36 hrs.)transportation at employer's expense**Consider upgrade of Certificate, transportation and equipment if ambulance service access restricted


* BC regulations categorize industries in the province into three different hazard classifications (low, medium and high) and then further divide each classification into two groups depending on surface travel time to medical aid.

** Transportation to medical treatment may include a taxi, a company vehicle, or an ambulance, depending on the injured or ill worker's condition.

The information provided is intended to represent a summary of the minimum provincial first aid regulations guidelines. It is not intended to replace the regulations as set by provincial Occupational Health and Safety Boards and/or legislative bodies. It is the responsibility of the user to know the respective Act(s) and/or regulations and/or legislation for the work place within the respective province.

Shop WorkSafe BC First Aid Kits
St. John Ambulance offers a wide variety of WorkSafeBC and federally accredited kits that can support your organization no matter the size. Choose from our Level A, B, and C kits, as well as our services in outfitting any first aid station, room, or mobile post.