Community Services volunteers

Teaching Skills That Save Lives at Work, Home...

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First Aid is being provided to a child

St. John Ambulance has been ensuring the health, safety and quality of life for Canadians for well over 135 years. St. John Ambulance offers the most comprehensive, state-of-the-art first aid and CPR...

Shop our First Aid Kits, AED’s, and First Aid Supplies

While in Florida, my 4-year-old daughter had a serious choking incident. She nearly went unconscious - thank God she didn’t. I am grateful I had the training and I am confident that I will be able to use it as needed without panicking. It is amazing how it comes to you in a real situation.

- — S. Campbell, Volunteer Fire Fighter

Duis molestie dui tortor, vel varius arcu malesuada mollis. Cras eget augue non dolor viverra suscipit. Nullam non semper magna. Cras ornare sapien vitae felis blandit, a suscipit lacus ullamcorper. Aliquam lorem massa, imperdiet non sollicitudin at, fringilla eu ex. Pellentesque vestibulum risus in gravida varius. Suspendisse pretium dignissim molestie.

- Lorum Ipsum

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Our client service representatives are available to work with you to assess your first aid requirements, and to design a comprehensive plan which addresses your workplace legislative requirements...

How We Help

Caring for communities from coast-to-coast St. John Ambulance Canada has more than 25,000 volunteers and coordinates one of the country’s largest volunteer networks. Our volunteers contribute an astounding two million hours of volunteer time to communities of all sizes, in all regions of Canada. 

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First Aid Training
First Aid Training
First Aid Training
Proceeds from our training programs support services for seniors, youth, and the community.
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First Aid Training

Content Summary

In any disaster, human or natural, St. John Ambulance Canada volunteers are there to offer assistance, expertise, caring and compassion. Our tradition of coming to the aid of Canadian communities reaches back well over a century. 

Stat Counters
Community services icon
Established in 1883 in Canada with roots going back 900 years.

St. John Ambulance Canada has more than 25,000 volunteers from coast-to-coast contributing over two million hours of volunteer service annually.
Frist respond icon
Trained Medical first responders
Each year, trained volunteers provide medical first response at approximately 12,000 community gatherings, sporting and recreational events.
Therapy dog icon
Therapy Dog Teams
Approximately 3,000 Therapy Dog Teams visit children, the elderly, the lonely and sick, in the home, community and institutional settings, enriching their lives.
Canadians trained a year
St. John Ambulance trains more than 550,000 Canadians each year.