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We appreciate the generosity of our donors. Donations can be made to your local St. John Ambulance Branch Office online, by phone, by mail or in-person.

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Support one of Canada's oldest charitable organizations by donating to St. John Ambulance's community services and programs. Your generosity will help us continue to save lives at work, home, and...
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Community Services
Canadians have been volunteering with St. John Ambulance for over 130 years. There are more than 15,000 dedicated front-line St. John Ambulance...
St. John Ambulance has played an integral role in the fabric of Canada communities since 1883. While our core services revolve around first aid...
About St. John Ambulance
In any disaster, human or natural, St. John Ambulance Canada volunteers are there to offer assistance, expertise, caring and compassion. Our tradition...