Therapy Dog Program
Your donation directly funds Therapy Dog visits to seniors homes, community facilities, hospitals, schools and more.

Medical First Responder Program
Our Medical First Responder are trained volunteers who provide first aid services at community events, public gatherings, and sporting venues.

SJA Youth Programs
SJA Connect is a health, safety and leadership development program for youth aged 14 to 19 offered by St. John Ambulance Canada. This leadership program prepares youth to assist others in their...

St. John Canada Foundation
The Foundation is a charitable organization with charitable purposes that include rendering aid to the sick, wounded, disabled or suffering and the maintenance of the St. John of Jerusalem Eye...
Canadians have been volunteering with St. John Ambulance for over 130 years. There are more than 15,000 dedicated front-line St. John Ambulance...
St. John Ambulance has played an integral role in the fabric of Canada communities since 1883. While our core services revolve around first aid...
In any disaster, human or natural, St. John Ambulance Canada volunteers are there to offer assistance, expertise, caring and compassion. Our tradition...