Accessibility Standard for Customer Service (English)
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This course explains the laws relating to providing goods and services to people with disabilities, how to communicate with people that have various disabilities, as well as how to provide good customer service to people who use assistive devices, service animals, or support persons.
BC Bill 14: Workplace Bullying and Harassment – Meeting Employer Requi...
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Effective November 2013, British Columbia’s Workers Compensation Act has been amended to include three new policies addressing workplace bullying and harassment. Sections 115, 116 and 117 of the Act set out the general duties of employers, workers and supervisors
Risk Management in Sport (English)
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This course explains why effective risk management is necessary, and provides a practical description of the risk management process as it applies to sport organizations.
BILL 168: Achieving Compliance (English)
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Effective June 15, 2010, Bill 168 amended the Occupational Health & Safety Act (OHSA) of Ontario with respect to the issues of workplace harassment. Employers in Ontario must understand their obligations under the amended OHDA.
Bear Aware: Travelling in Bear Country (English)
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Don’t wait until you are head to head with a bear to think about what you could have done to avoid an encounter.
Medical Terminology (English)
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The purpose of the Medical Terminology course is to provide an introduction to the professional language used by those who are directly and indirectly involved with the art of healing. The course will also introduce those not currently involved in the health care environment with an introduction to the language of medicine. In addition, the course will provide participants with the basics of human anatomy and physiology.
Supervisor Health And Safety Awareness (English)
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This course provides supervisors with health and safety awareness training as mandated under Regulation 297/13 of the Occupational Health and Safety Act (OHSA). Content includes information about workplace rights and responsibilities, workplace hazards and Ontario’s occupational health and safety system.
Bloodborne Pathogens (English)
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Designed for individuals who may be exposed to blood and body fluids during the performance of their work and who wish to gain a more thorough understanding of bloodborne pathogens, the prevention of occupational exposure, and exposure follow-up.
Worker Health And Safety Awareness (English)
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This course provides workers with health and safety awareness training. Content includes information about the duties of employers and supervisors, their rights and duties as workers, common workplace hazards, and ways to protect themselves, and others, from harm.
4th Edition BASICS.fst® for Foodservice and Food Retail Professionals ...
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A food safety training course for food handlers. The course will help workers learn important information about food safety.