5 Steps to Prevent Workplace Injuries
July 03, 2024

The Canadian workers compensation board reported that 925 workers died due to work related causes in 2019. (Source: https://www.uregina.ca/business/assets/faculty_staff/2021-Report-on-Workplace-Fatalities-and-Injuries-2021-Oct-21.pdf)

It is every employer’s responsibility to create a safe and healthy work environment for their employees. With proper training and the right tools in place, employees can do their job safely. They can also assist others in need and be ambassadors for a harmonious workplace. Everyone deserves a safe and healthy place to come to work. Taking action immediately is imperative.

Here are some key steps you should take to reduce your employees’ risk of workplace injury:

Inspect all equipment, workspaces and tools regularly

Make sure you regularly check all workspaces and equipment for hazards and safety risks.

Ensure that your employees are aware of any hazards

When you identify a new risk or hazard in the workplace, clearly label it and make sure all employees are aware. Ensure they are trained to properly navigate the risk. Have a safety plan in place at all times.

Provide protective equipment

All of your employees should have access to the proper protective equipment for the job they are performing. No one should be without the appropriate equipment. Ensure that you always have extra equipment on hand in case.

Participate in first aid training

Education is key when it comes to workplace safety. Get all of your employees trained so they can assist others in case of emergency. A reputable first aid class will teach them lifesaving skills based on their job and its daily tasks.

Have fully stocked first aid kits on hand

First aid kits should be in accordance with local standards and regulations. Research your local guidelines and take note of what your place of business needs to have on hand at all times. Make sure all employees know where to find the first aid kits and that they are fully stocked. Check your kits often to see if you need to replenish!

The Canadian Standards Association sets regulations for first aid kits and first aid training across Canada, except for the province of British Columbia where WorkSafeBC is the authority on first aid kits and training regulations. St. John Ambulance sells kits for all sizes and types of workplaces across Canada (shop here). We have kits for BC, CSA, and federally regulated businesses. A one stop shop for all your kit needs!

We also offer high quality first aid training for employees and employers. Your employees can learn everything from CPR, to caring for basic injuries, to opioid poisoning response. Starting a business account with SJA is easy, beneficial, and cost-efficient. Learn more and open an account today!

St. John Ambulance can help you make sure you are creating the safest workspace possible for your employees. Don’t let them be another number in workplace injury statistics. Their health and well-being should always be at the top of your priority list.