

We Can Help too! AB
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We Can Help too!


We Can Help Too! is a first aid and safety program specifically designed for students in grades 3.

A set of ten lessons are presented here and can be delivered by teachers over a number of different sessions. Lessons can be presented individually or combined where time allows for longer periods offering flexibility that fits with the needs of any class or school group.

The program is intended to introduce young students to the basic concepts of safety while empowering them to take age appropriate responsibility for identification of emergencies that involve any persons who may become suddenly sick or hurt. Students are taught to get help from a responsible adult while providing immediate care for the brief period it may take for the adult to arrive. This approach encourages self‐confidence and social responsibility while clearly defining the limits to the roles they should take on in each situation.

Successful completion of this program will spark a new interest in personal safety and a respect for others that students will take with them as they continue through their elementary school experience. Students gain an understanding of the role they can play identifying risky situations and behaviors and the actions they can take to prevent injuries. Basic first aid skills teach students there are important things they can do to help others when adults are not immediately available. They also work together to understand how to get help quickly when emergencies happen.

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You and your class are invited to participate in the St. John Ambulance We Can Help Too! Program free of charge. This has been made possible through the kind support of the Masons and their concordant bodies. Since 1995 more than 190,000 Grade 3/4 students have been introduced to first aid and safety awareness through this successful program.

The primary goal of the program remains unchanged. The program:

introduces students to basic first aid,
makes students aware of the importance of safety and encourages them to develop safe habits for life, and
teaches students that they can help others as well as themselves.
We Can Help Too! has instructional flexibility and is designed for integration into the elementary school curriculum K-9 (Health / Career and Life Management or Wellness Education, Alberta Education). The components can be used independently in 15 to 30-minute sessions or together as a comprehensive course. The suggested instruction time for the program is from five to six hours, but this time frame may be adjusted to meet your needs.

The We Can Help Too! materials are completely free-of-charge for grade 3/4 students. 

If we can be of assistance in meeting your school’s first aid and safety needs, please contact the St. John Ambulance office nearest you.


If any of your students or someone else you know has used First Aid to help save a life, consider nominating that person for a St. John Ambulance Life-Saving Award.

St. John Canada established the St. John Ambulance Life-saving Awards over 30 years ago to acknowledge individuals or groups of individuals who have administered first aid while saving or attempting to save a life. To recognize these individuals, St. John Ambulance grants awards at both the National and Provincial level, depending on the level of assistance provided. Nominees do not need to be members of, or trained by, St. John Ambulance to be considered for these awards. The application form for the St. John Ambulance Life-saving Award must be completed within one year from the date of incident and must clearly indicate that the administration of first aid was a factor in saving or attempting to save a life.