Automated External Defibrillators AEDs
Fall Protection
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An introduction to the basic principles of fall prevention and protection, types of fall protection systems and the appropriate uses of each system. PLEASE NOTE: This course does NOT qualify a person to install engineered fall arrest systems.
Respectful Workplace: Preventing Harassment and Violence
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This course explores how workers and employers can reduce bullying, harassment, discrimination and workplace violence. This course also describes how to foster a culture of inclusion in workplaces, where employees feel welcome and respected and provides awareness-level content that meets employers’ legislated and regulatory requirements for training in respectful workplaces.

Occupational First Aid Level 3 Renewal (OFA 3)
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Renew your OFA Level 3 certification, ensuring your readiness to manage emergencies in high-hazard workplaces, and continued compliance and safety in your workplace.
Awareness Training Emergency First Aid Basic - Level C CPR + AED (Engl...
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This awareness course provides learners with the knowledge to recognize and provide interventions for life-threatening emergencies until medical aid arrives. Topics include: CPR, AED and choking for adults, shock and unconsciousness, severe bleeding, head and spinal injuries, major medical conditions and mental health awareness. Interactive course design with simulations, videos, and illustrations, with built-in knowledge checks and quizzes to test what you’ve learned. Cost covers online course only.
Confined Space Awareness
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When there is a confined space in the workplace, all workers in that workplace require Confined Space Awareness training as well as workplace specific training.
BC Bill 14: Workplace Bullying and Harassment – How to Recognize and ...
BCYT - Mental Health and Stress Awareness
Awareness: First Aid At Home (French)
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This course introduces participants to basic first and common injuries and illnesses in the home. Topics include emergency scene management, medical conditions, burns, poisoning and wound care.